Thursday, February 24, 2022

Tony Dovale Leadership Adaptagility Speaker -

REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams  #AdaptAgility Coach, Facilitator and Speaker. - to optimise your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture to thrive in Tough Times. - see for how to improve employee experience, Resilience and Wellbeing and high performance teamworking and collaboration.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Tony Dovale the soul that cried voice over v2 Alchemist, Emotionetics Co...

Poem: The Soul That Cried - tony dovale


The weight of a thousand Souls
hangs heavy on her breast.

As she desperately seeks out the sanity
of the turmoil that still smoulders.

Blighted by ruthless encounters of life
we try to call relationships.

She recoils and lurches back
from another angry outburst of pain.

The incessant grasp of weak and needy minds,
clutching at her Soul, bears down hard and relentlessly
upon her guiltiness, built up of old.

How many times more must she rekindle
her depleted and waning life-force?

Just so she can bear the brunt of another runt
seeking to ease his pain.

She goes again inwards once more,
to that familiar place she’s been before.

But this time she is ready.
There’s something new;  a light
starts slowly, to shine right through.

Her Soul, she calls from far and wide,
there is no place for the loss to hide.

For this time, was called and marked,
by God herself, before she embarked
– upon this journey of solitude.

Boxed by vicious rails of social conformity,
she epitomised the shock of an abandoned child.

Incessant questioning of Self
invites the shadowy specter
of mediocrity to rest beside her Soul.

Yet once more she stands strong, and hurls her
gauntlet forth into the seething mass of male strife.

Nothing moves. Nothing stirs. Everything stops!
For none dare challenge the keeper of her precious SOUL

Tony Dovale – Fiery Tiger – The Soul that Cried

v2020.12.18.a  Poem The Soul That Cried – came to me in a vision.

Tony Dovale poem The Soul that Cried

1 Minute Wisdom for thriving in Tough Times: Be Flexible, Be Focused, Be Real. Be Resilient, Develop AdaptAgility... connect to something bigger: The Soul That Cried - #TonyDovale #mindset #mindfulness #growth #inspiration #AdaptAgility #LifeMasters


Poem: The Soul That Cried
The weight of a thousand Souls hangs heavy on her breast.
As she desperately seeks out the sanity of the turmoil that still smoulders.
Blighted by ruthless encounters of life we try to call relationships.
She recoils and lurches back from another angry outburst of pain.
The incessant grasp of weak and needy minds, clutching at her Soul, bears down hard and relentlessly upon her guiltiness, built up of old.
How many times more must she rekindle her depleted and waning life-force?
Just so she can bear the brunt of another runt seeking to ease his pain.
She goes again inwards once more, to that familiar place she’s been before.
But this time she is ready. There’s something new; a light starts slowly, to shine right through.
Her Soul, she calls from far and wide, there is no place for the loss to hide.
For this time, was called and marked, by God herself, before she embarked upon this journey of solitude.
Boxed by vicious rails of social conformity, she epitomised the shock of an abandoned child.
Incessant questioning of Self invites the shadowy specter of mediocrity to rest beside her Soul.
Yet once more she stands strong, and hurls her gauntlet forth into the seething mass of male strife.
Nothing moves. Nothing stirs. Everything stops!
For none dare challenge the keeper of her precious SOUL!
Tony Dovale – Fiery Tiger – The Soul that Cried
Poem The Soul That Cried – came to me in a vision. &

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tony Dovale Growth-Optimised Mindst Speakers 8slides intro

For business speakers on High Performance Teams  and growth optimised mindsets see or

Friday, February 12, 2021

Tony Dovale ICMI Leadership Coaching freebie - Leading in Tough Times

Tony Dovale ICMI Leadership Coaching freebie - Leading in Tough Times via @YouTube  and


Sunday, August 23, 2020

tony dovale #ADAPTAGILITY surf110k

Tony Dovale  ceo of shares his #ADAPTABILITY research insights , and why ADAPTABIITY is more important and valuable than RESILIENCE, in these ever-changing and uncertain times, where teamworking, trust, collaboration and effective leadership are vital for optimising People, Teams, Leadership and Culture  to thrive. see more at

Thursday, June 18, 2020

FREE Friday GO Mindset Session with Tony Dovale.
IQ and EQ have NO VALUE.... if you get knocked down and STAY down! :)...
Build Resilience and a growth-optimised Mindset to thrive in tough VUCA times.